Translucent & HypoTranslucent

Translucent and HypoTranslucent dragons come in a variety of colors.

Translucent Leatherback – Zero comparison

Below are a few of our hold back HypoTranslucent bearded dragons that we are planning to breed in the 2021 season.

Citrus Tiger HypoTranslucent

Citrus Tiger Hypotrans

Red/Orange HypoTranslucents

Red/Orange Hypotrans
Red/Orange Hypotrans

Yes, her fingers are crossed!
Red/Orange Hypotrans

The first 5 pictures are our red orange hypo translucent bearded dragons. Pictured next is a regular Trans & a Translucent Leatherback. The last picture is a white faced hypo translucent.

Red/Orange Hypotrans
Red/Orange Hypotrans
Red/Orange Hypo translucent
Red/Orange Hypotrans
Red/Orange Hypotrans
Red/Orange Hypotrans
Red/Orange Hypotrans Leatherback
Translucent with white face